Monday, April 26, 2010

Confessions of a creme-puffaholic

It’s four weeks to go until the wedding and I’m having a hard time keeping on track. Though everything fits and I’m still weighing less on the scale, I’ll be the first to admit that it’s been hard getting my eating habits back on track given that my budget is incredibly strapped. So what this week entails is getting the most out of commitments I’ve already made (like $100 worth of hip hop classes and $20/mo gym memberships) and keeping my butt moving.

This past Saturday was our dance showcase so last weeks’ workouts looked like this: Sunday Zumba, Monday dance rehearsal, Tuesday rest, Wednesday Pilates, Thursday dance rehearsal, Friday rest, Saturday Yoga & dance showcase… Though it was a relatively static workout week, I felt like I had done quite a bit. Saturday’s power yoga kicked my butt and I was still sore yesterday as I labored at making a great vegetarian lasagna. (The recipe is from Joy of Cooking so I don’t have much credit to take there.)

So I didn’t do much working out for a Sunday, but I certainly did a lot of eating at a fundraising event for Hubby’s graduate program. And did I eat a lot of junk…

fried chicken wings (2)
penne pasta with chicken in a cream sauce (1 small spoonful)
a potato roll (1)
sweet boiled carrots (1 hefty serving)
spinach salad with apples, carrots and balsamic (1 heft serving)
smoked salmon (1 oz)
veggie lasagna (1/2 serving)
brownie (1/2)
crème puffs (5)
éclairs (3)
glasses of wine (4)

The list started off well, I was right on track until we got to the dessert table. I’m addicted to sweets, it’s hard to look away!  The creme puffs called to me with pleasant and plump memories from my childhood.  The first one was light to the bite with a delicious creamy filling.  The second was more rich.  I had an eclair to balance with some dark chocolate, but then I had another creme puff and it all went downhill from there.  i knew I had to stop... they were so perfectly shaped to just pop into your mouth... It didn't even cross my mind that all I was consuming was empty calories of buttery pastry and fatted sugary cream!!

I compromised with myself that today would be better, including green tea to help with a detox:

Oatmeal & Coffee
Small slice of office Carrot Cake (it was for someone’s birthday!)

Green Tea
Veggie Lasagne
Spinach Salad

hip-hop for cardio
a light abs and core workout to tone up my midsection

Cheers to you all and best of luck for a healthful week!

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